Es krim adalah produk pangan beku yang dibuat dengan kombinasi proses pembekuan dan agitasi dengan bahan-bahan yang terdiri dari susu, pemanis, pengemulsi, penstabil dan flavor. Penambahan buah bit dan berbagai jenis gula dapat meningkatkan nilai gizi es krim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan yang tertinggi pada produk dan mengetahui karakteristik kimia, fisika, dan sensori es krim buah bit. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan menggunakan dua faktor. Faktor pertama adalah bubur buah bit (20%, 30%, dan 40%) dan faktor kedua yaitu jenis gula (gula pasir, gula stevia, dan madu). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan es krim yang terbaik diperoleh berdasarkan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi es krim yaitu pada perlakuan bubur buah bit 40% dan jenis gula berupa madu. Pada perlakuan tersebut memiliki karakteristik: aktivitas antioksidan 32,474% kadar protein 2,139%; kadar lemak 0,145%; kadar gula total 7,064%; overrun 14,172%; kecepatan meleleh 36,660 menit; warna 2,958 (ungu); rasa manis 2,500 (sedikit manis); tekstur lembut 3,216 (lembut); flavor buah bit 3,342 (semakin nyata); dan kesukaan keseluruhan 2,705 (sedikit suka).
Kata kunci: Es krim, buah bit, jenis gula
Ice cream is a product of frozen food that made with a combination of the process of freezing and agitation with ingredients consisting of milk, sweetener, emulsion, stabilizer, and flavor. The addition of beet fruit and the kind of sugar can improve the nutrition value of ice cream. The purpose of this research were to determine the highest antioxidant activity in a product and to determine the characteristic of physicochemical and sensoric characteristic of beet ice cream. This research used the method of Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors. The first factor was porridge of beet fruit (20%, 30%, and 40%) and the second factor was the type of sugar (cane, stevia, and honey). The result of this research indicates that the best treatment of ice cream based on the highest antioxidant activity was on the treatment of porridge beet fruit 40% and the type of sugar is honey. These treatment has a characteristic antioxidant activity 32,474%; protein 2,139%; fat 0,145%; the total of sugar 7,064%; overrun 14,172%; the velocity of melting 36,660 minutes; color 2,958 (purple); sweet taste 2,500 (a little sweet); soft texture 3,216 (soft), flavour of beet fruit 3,342 (more real); and the total of predilection 2,705(a little like).
Keywords: Ice cream, beet fruit, type of sugar
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