About the Journal
Journal Title | Wacana Hukum |
Grade | Sinta 4 |
Frequency | 2 Issues Per Year (June and December) |
DOI | Prefix 10.33061 |
Online ISSN | 2656-3797 |
Print ISSN | 1412-310X |
Editor in Chief | Dr. Dora Kusumastuti, S.H., M.H |
Managing Editor | Dr. Rian Saputra, S.H., M.H |
Pubisher | Faculty of Law, Universitas Slamet Riyadi |
Cited Analysis | Google Scholar; Garuda; |
Indexing | Sinta; Garuda; |
Wacana Hukum (WH) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal established by the Faculty of Law, University of Slamet Riyadi, Surakarta.Â
The purpose of the WH journal is to facilitate the dissemination of legal research and conceptual analyses relating to various areas in law, including private law, public law, and human rights issues. Is consolidated into a single volume, in two issues published in June and December. This journal focuses on legal research in Indonesia and comparative law issues. The comparison is done by comparing the issue with developed and developing countries from various countries.
WH accepted a submission from all over the world. All submitted articles shall be written in English (since 2023), have never been published elsewhere, are original, and are not under consideration for other publications. For checking Plagiarism, WH Editorial Board will screen plagiarism using Turnitin Program. If it is found that there is a plagiarism indication (above 20%), the editorial board will automatically reject the manuscript immediately.
WH has been indexed in Google Scholar, Crossref, Garuda, Index Copernicus International and Sinta 4 from Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. WH also agrees with The Translator to improve the language quality of the articles, both translating and proofreading.
Current Issue

ISSN: 1412-310X (Print) 2656-3797 (Online)
First Online Publication: 2018
Full English Language: 2023 - present
Publisher: Faculty of Law, University of Slamet Riyadi, Surakarta, Indonesia
Duration: Approx. 5 days to the first decision
Acceptance Rate: 30% of the total submissions
Frequency: 2 (two) issues per year
DOI: Prefix 10.33061
Audience: Legal Scholars, Legal Practitioners
Geographical Diversity: Indonesia, Turkey, Netherland, Japan, Thailand and Sudan, (authored/co-authored by 16 authors from 13 affiliations)
Editor in Chief: Dr. Dora Kusumastuti., S.H., M.H
This issue has been available online since 30 th March 2024 for the regular issue of June 2024. All articles in this issue (5 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 22 authors from 13 affiliations and 6 countries (Indonesia, Turkey, Netherland, Japan, Thailand and Sudan).