Communication Strategy of the Karanganyar Student Forum Organization in Maintaining Existence Through External Events in Karanganyar Regency
Startegi Komunikasi Oraganisasi Forum Mahasiswa Karanganyar dalam Mempertahankan Eksistensi Melalui Event Eksternal Di Kabupaten Karanganyar
The purpose of this research is to look at the Organizational Communication Strategy
of the Karanganyar Student Forum in Maintaining Existence through External Events in
Karanganyar Regency. This study uses the theory of organizational communication strategy.
This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques in this study
were using participant observation methods, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data
analysis techniques use data collection, data reduction, presenting data and drawing
conclusions or verification. Based on the research results, it was found that determining the
audience of an external Expo Campus event conducted by Formaka to maintain its existence,
that is seen from the initial purpose of holding the Expo Campus, namely to introduce and
disseminate information about lectures to Senior High School and Vocational School students
who are still in school so that motivate them to continue their education to a higher level. The
message was structured so that many would come to the Expo Campus in the form of outreach
activities to Senior High School and Vocational School schools in Karanganyar, then making
unique and interesting pamphlets and finally doing branding on social media. The method used
to maintain the existence of Formaka is the Expo Campus. The selection and use of the media
most often used by Formaka in conveying messages is Instagram, in collaboration with mass
media such as radio. The conclusion from this study is that the organizational communication
strategy of the Karanganyar student forum in maintaining its existence through external events
in Karanganyar Regency, namely using the Expo Campus, can be said to be successful.
Keywords: Organizational Communication Strategy, Formaka, Existence, External Event.