Pengawasan Kementerian Agama dalam Pelaksanaan Perjalanan Haji dan Umrah di Kota Surakarta Tahun 2019
Supervision is carried out by the highest unit of the agency in all units
under the auspices of the agency. Good supervision becomes a benchmark of the
organization to achieve the target in carrying out surveillance activities, such as
the supervision carried out by the Ministry of Religious Affairs at every Hajj and
Umrah Travel Bureau in Surakarta City.This research aims to describe and
analyze how is supervision carried out by the Ministry of Religious Affairs in the
implementation of Hajj and Umrah travel in the city of Surakarta. This type of
research uses a Qualitative Descriptive approach. Data collection techniques in
other studies (1) interviews (2) observations (3) documentation. Data analysis
techniques used are data collection, data condensation, data presentation and
conclusion withdrawal. The results of this study show that the supervision carried
out by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Surakarta City in the regulation,
licensing, reprimand, sanctions, and actions have been implemented properly. But
in terms of socialization has not been implemented to the maximum. In addition,
there has also been no supervision of branch bureaus in the city of Surakarta