Komunikasi Pemasaran Pondok Pesantren Masjid Jajar Dalam Memperoleh Calon Santri Berprestasi
The quality of students is one of the main focuses in the continuity of an Islamic boarding
school. The quality of the students will influence the conduciveness of Islamic boaring
school. smoothness of teaching and learning process, achievement standards, and even
influence the reputation of Islamic boaring school in the community. The lack of students
with superior quality at Jajar Mosque Islamic Boarding School presents its own obstacles
to Islamic boarding school in realizing its ideasThe data collection method in this
scientific work is open interviews and document study. Then the collected data was
analyzed using the Miles and Huberman analysis method. The problem of Jajar Mosque
Boarding School in obtain outstanding prospective students is that the marketing
communications implemented are less than optimal. The result of this study are to provide
altenatives marketing communications to increase the number of prospective high
achieving students at Masjid Jajar Islamic Boarding School supported by Kotler’s
marketing communications mix theory.