Organizational Communication of the Pesona Asri Farming Women's Group

(Case Study: In the Kwt Program in Klumprit Village, Mojolaban District, Sukoharjo Regency)


  • Silvia Putri Ismaya
  • Nurnawati Hindra Hastuti
  • Sihabuddin Sihabuddin


The government's empowerment program through the Women's Farmers Group (KWT)
aims to improve the economy, food security and empower women. However, KWT Pesona
Asri in Klumprit Village faced communication barriers that affected the effectiveness of
the program. This research aims to identify these barriers, in order to become a reference
for other areas with similar problems. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method
to understand the communication barriers of KWT Pesona Asri members in preventing
stunting in Klumprit Village. Through interviews, observation and documentation,
researchers collected data from KWT members, who are women farmers. This KWT has
unique potential and superior products that are beneficial to society. Data validity was
obtained by triangulating sources and methods. This research uses in-depth interviews,
observation and documentation to analyze communication barriers at KWT Pesona Asri,
Klumprit Village. The results showed that communication barriers included members'
low initiative, misunderstandings, and members' busyness, which affected program
effectiveness. Improvement efforts include evaluation and emotional approaches to
increase communication and participation. Research shows that communication at KWT
Pesona Asri faces human, technical and situational obstacles. These obstacles include
miscommunication, lack of member dexterity, and lack of active participation, as well as
physical obstacles such as drought. Ineffective communication hinders goal achievement,
reduces productivity, and affects harvest yields and catfish cultivation.
Keywords: Communication barriers, Farming Women's Group.




How to Cite

Putri Ismaya, S., Hindra Hastuti, N., & Sihabuddin, S. (2025). Organizational Communication of the Pesona Asri Farming Women’s Group: (Case Study: In the Kwt Program in Klumprit Village, Mojolaban District, Sukoharjo Regency). Solidaritas: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial, 8(2). Retrieved from