The Role Of Abdi Dalem In Preserving Javanese Cultural Values In Interpersonal Communication At The Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat
Abdi dalem is a person who devotes himself to the Keraton. There are two groups of Abdi
Dalem in the Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat, namely Abdi Dalem anon-anon
Keraton and Abdi Dalem Garap Keraton. The purpose of this research is to determine
Abdi Dalem's efforts in preserving Javanese cultural values in interpersonal
communication at the Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat. This study used
qualitative research methods. This type of research is descriptive qualitative.
Determining the informants in this research used purposive sampling and the informants
in this research were Abdi Dalem Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat, cultural
figures and the community. The location of this research is at the Keraton Kasunanan
Surakarta Hadiningrat. Data collection uses observation, interviews and documentation.
Data validity uses triangulation techniques. Using Miles and Huberman's (2014)
interactive data analysis model. The results of the research show that Abdi Dalem
Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat is a cultural preserver who has a positive
influence on society. This influence can be accepted by society as an example in
understanding culture. The role of Abdi Dalem is nguri-uri or preserving Javanese
cultural values with sincerity regarding the culture of the Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta
Hadiningrat. From the results of the analysis it can be concluded that Abdi Dalem
contributed to disseminating and preserving Javanese cultural values in interpersonal
Keywords: Abdi Dalem Keraton, Interpersonal Communication, Javanese Cultural