(Studi Kasus Pelaksanaan Program Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai)
effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, leveling, responsiveness and responsiveAbstract
The results showed an evaluation of the implementation of Non-Cash Food
Assistance (BPNT) using William Dunn with six variables, namely effectiveness,
efficiency, adequacy, leveling, responsiveness and accuracy, namely: BPNT
implementation starts from the stages of registration or account opening, education
and socialization. , distribution, and purchase of goods at e-warong and Bank BNI
46. Achievement of BPNT implementation results, seen from BPNT objectives, is
still not optimal for all BPNT KPM. The assessment of the implementation of BPNT
in Dayakan Village, Badegan District, Ponorogo Regency based on William Dunn's
theory is the effectiveness of achieving BPNT goals, efficiency of distribution time
and the number of e-warongs or BNI 46 agents who facilitate the purchase of goods,
criteria for the leveling of BPNT program recipients, and responsiveness criteria
for problem handling not good. Meanwhile, the criteria for the adequacy of the
results / benefits of BPNT that are felt by the poor to meet food needs and the
criteria for BPNT's accuracy in answering the problems of poverty and hunger
faced by the poor are quite good.
Keywords: effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, leveling, responsiveness and
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