
  • Jumanto Jumanto Universitas Slamet Riyadi
  • Yogi Kuncoro Adi PGMI, FTIK, IAIN Salatiga



creative thingking, reviewed, academic achievement


This study aims to determine the profile of the creative  thinking ability of class VI students of SD Negeri Gandekan No. 230 Surakarta who have below-average and above-average academic achievements. This research includes quantitative research. Data are collected by means of observation, interviews, and tests. The study sample was 34 learners. To determine the profile of  students' creative  thinking ability, this study used discriptive analysis. Meanwhile, to find out the difference in creative  thinking  ability  between students who have academic achievements above and below average, using an independent T-Test analysis. The results showed that the creative thinking of  students in kategori was good (71.38).  With the following details: fluency indicators in the good category (78), flexibility in the good category (75.5), originality in the good category (73) and elaboration in the sufficient category (61).   The T-Test value is sig.0.52>0.05 which means  that the ability to think  creatively between outstanding learners ak ademik up and down is considered to have no significant difference.


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