Pancasila Perspective in Realizing Digital Equality as an Effort Towards Good Governance


  • Khansa Amani Faculty of Information Technology and Data Science, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta
  • Fatma Ulfatun Najicha Faculty of Law, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta



The rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) urges both society and the state to adapt swiftly. Technology has altered various aspects of life and offers conveniences. However, a segment of the Indonesian populace is experiencing a digital divide due to this rapid advancement. The digital gap is propelled by geographic factors, unequal infrastructure, motivation, skills, aims, and perceived impacts. This digital discrepancy brings forth various detrimental effects on the populace. It impedes the Government's efforts to achieve good governance and prosperity for Indonesian society. Pancasila, as the foundation of the Indonesian state, encapsulates values of justice, aspiring for equality among Indonesians across various domains. The existence of a digital divide contradicts these aspirations. The digital gap contradicts the ideals of Pancasila, and thus, Pancasila can serve as a basis and guide in addressing this issue. The values within Pancasila can be utilized as a foundation in devising strategies to bridge the digital divide and create digital equality.

Keywords: Digital divide, Pancasila, Digital equity, Good governance




How to Cite

Khansa, & Fatma Ulfatun. (2024). Pancasila Perspective in Realizing Digital Equality as an Effort Towards Good Governance. Jurnal Global Citizen : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, 13(1), 55–64.