The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the application of the principle of delimitation contradiction in the implementation of complete systematic land registration at the Salatiga City Land Office. Reviewing and analyzing the factors that hinder the application of the principle of delimitation contradictory in the implementation of complete systematic land registration at the Salatiga City Land Office.
The method of approach in this writing is sociological juridical. The specifics of this study used descriptive analytics. The data source uses primary data and skunder data. Data collection techniques use the study of document studies. To analyze the data, researchers use qualitative descriptive analysis methods.
Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the implementation of the principle of delimitation contradiction, especially in the complete systematic land registration process at the Salatiga City Land Office, has proceeded in accordance with the existing stages and procedures, because the application of the principle of delimitation contradictory is carried out at the time before the measuring officer takes measurements, the bordering parties must be present and show the boundaries of the land as well as put boundary signs on the boundary Agreed. After that, the bordering party signs the registration fill sheet, which is a measuring drawing sheet as proof that the principle of delimitation contradiction is met when setting boundaries and measurements. Factors that hinder the application of the principle of delimitation contradictory to the determination of boundaries in the land registration process include the existence of land boundary disputes, land is not fitted with stakes, so the land boundaries are not clear, this makes it difficult to measure and map, the parties, both the applicant and the owner of the adjacent land cannot be present at the time of determining the land boundary, this hinders the measurement so as to slow down the completion of land registration. Ways to overcome this are the settlement of boundary disputes by deliberation, the installation of land boundary signs, delaying the determination of boundaries or by power of attorney.
Keywords: Principle of Delimitation Contradiction, Complete Systematic Land Registration.