About the Journal

DINAMIKA HUKUM is a peer-reviewed journal published by Faculty of Law Universitas Slamet Riyadi. It published twice times a year .  DINAMIKA HUKUM aims to provide a forum for lecturers and researchers to publish the original articles about Law Science.

The focus of DINAMIKA HUKUM is publishing the manuscript of a research study or conceptual ideas. We are interested in topics which relate Legal issues in Indonesia and around the world.

DINAMIKA HUKUM aims to provide a forum for lecturers and researchers to publish the original articles about Science of Law. The focus of this jornal in Criminal Law, Private Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, International Law, Procedural Law, Legal Theory.

DINAMIKA HUKUM is publishing the manuscript of a research study or conceptual ideas. We are interested in topics which relate generally to Law issues in Indonesia and around the world. Articles submitted might cover topical issues in

  1. Civil Law
  2. Criminal Law
  3. Civil Procedural Law
  4. Criminal Procedure Law
  5. Commercial Law
  6. Constitutional Law
  7. International Law
  8. State Administrative Law
  9. Adat Law
  10. Islamic Law
  11. Agrarian Law
  12. Environmental Law