The purpose of this study is to review and analyze the implementation of restorative justice in solving domestic violence crimes at the Pekalongan Police Station. To review and analyze the obstacles that occur in the implementation of restorative justice for the resolution of domestic violence crimes at the Pekalongan Police Station.
Restorative justice is a settlement of cases that focuses on the direct participation of the perpetrator, victim, and community. Not all criminal acts have to be pursued through the trial process. By prioritizing peace by deliberation to reach consensus is an integral mechanism in people's lives. The restorative justice approach can be applied in the law enforcement process so that it will answer various problems in law enforcement against domestic violence cases so far that have not reflected the principle of justice as a legal goal.
The method of approach in this writing is sociological juridical. The specifics of this study used descriptive analytics. Data sources use primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques use interview studies and document studies. To analyze the data, researchers use qualitative analysis methods.
The implementation of restorative justice in solving domestic violence crimes at the Pekalongan Police Station is carried out by presenting criminal offenders, involving the role of victims and the community. Perpetrators are restored through the criminal justice system, thus promoting peace between victims and perpetrators. The peace was carried out through mediation, meetings, economic improvement programs and honesty education. In peace, the victim can provide input on what justice he wants to get. Likewise, the perpetrator can do the opposite, for example, he can pay compensation for the suffering experienced by the victim. Obstacles that occur in the implementation of restorative justice for the resolution of domestic violence crimes at the Pekalongan Police Station are influenced by several factors of legal structure, legal substance, and legal culture. Ideally in restorative justice, the meeting between the perpetrator and the victim should also involve the other party. Like the community with its support and attention, and the implementation of Restorative Justice is not just a formality of implementation, but is really carried out according to the wishes of each party, of course by prioritizing the wishes of the victim.
Keywords: Restorative Justice, Domestic Violence Crimes.