(Analisis Putusan Nomor. 16/Pid. Sus/2017/PN Pwd)
Domestic Violence (KDRT) is a gender-based violence whose number
continues to increase from year to year. With the existence of Law Number 23 of
2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence (UU PKDRT), it can
provide significant legal protection for victims of Domestic Violence (KDRT).
The research objectives in this thesis are: (1) To find out how the judge's
considerations in imposing a sentence on perpetrators of criminal acts of domestic
violence in Grobogan Regency in Decision No. 16/Pid. Sus/2017/PN Pwd; (2) To
find out how the criminal application against perpetrators of criminal acts of
domestic violence in Grobogan Regency in Decision No. 16/Pid. Sus/2017/PN
The problems that exist are (1) How is the judge's consideration in
imposing a crime against the perpetrators of criminal acts of domestic violence in
Grobogan Regency in Decision No. 16/Pid. Sus/2017/PN Pwd? (2) How is the
implementation of criminal acts against perpetrators of criminal acts of domestic
violence in Grobogan Regency in Decision No. 16/Pid. Sus/2017/PN Pwd?
The method used is normative. With library research sourced from laws
and regulations, books, official documents, and research results as well as legal
research methods that function to see the law in a real sense and examine how the
law works in the community.
The results of the research in this thesis are that victims of Domestic
Violence (KDRT) suffered minor injuries in several parts of the body. Therefore,
the perpetrators of Domestic Violence (KDRT) were sentenced to imprisonment
for 2 (two) months, detained in the remand center, charged with a court fee of Rp.
2,500, - (two thousand five hundred rupiah).
Keywords: Domestic Violence.