(Studi Kasus di Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Boyolali)
The purpose of this research is to analyse the implementation of the registration of
electronically integrated liabilities based on the regulation of the Minister ATR/head of
BPN RI number 5 year 2020 at the land Office of Boyolali Regency. Analyzing the
obstacles that occurred in the implementation of the registration of the rights electronically
integrated in the land office of Boyolali Regency.The user of the registration of dependents
is electronically integrated according to the regulation of the Minister ATR/head of BPN RI
number 5 year 2020 is the recipient of the HT and ASN recipients who served in the HT
service. While the PPAT in this case is exempt from the obligation to represent the
applicant (creditor) but is obliged to convey the deed he made, including APHT in the The
purpose of electronic registration of dependents is to be faster, simpler, more effective and
The method of approach in writing is sociological juridical. The specification of
this research uses analytical descriptive. Data sources use primary data and skunder data.
Data collection techniques using interview studies, Focus Group Discussion and
observation. To analyze the data, researchers use qualitative descriptive analysis methods.
Based on the results of the study obtained the conclusion that the implementation of
the registration of the rights of the electronic responsibility is integrated electronically
based on the regulation of the Minister ATR/head of BPN RI number 5 year 2020 in the
land Office of Boyolali is done by submitted application by PPAT through the system of
HT-El managed land office. The submission by the PPAT is an application, statement
letter, a certificate of land rights or property rights of units that must be on behalf of the
debtor, and APHT is submitted in electronic form, and obtained a proof of application.
With the proof of application made payment through the bank and after the application is
confirmed by the system is only issued Sertipikat rights in electronic form. The obstacles
that occurred in the implementation of the registration of the rights of the electronic
responsibility is integrated electronically based on the regulation of the Minister ATR/head
of BPN RI number 5 year 2020 in the land Office of Boyolali District, which is often the
server has been blackout or not functioning and the lack of PPAT in the implementation of
the registration of electronically integrated liabilities, this results in service process In order
to overcome the problem, the land office of Boyolali District now has experts, so that the
system disruption can be corrected at any time.
Key words: Registration of Liability, Electronic Rights.