The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the role of community
guidance in the implementation of the deradicalisation program in the criminal
crime-terrorism Correctional Client at the Balai Pemasyarakatan Surakarta. To find
out and analyse factors that hinder community advisers in the implementation of
deradicalisation Program on terrorism criminal Correctional clients at the Balai
Pemasyarakatan Surakarta.
Counter terrorist action in Indonesia is now conducted through
deradicalisation program or soft line approach. In the case of terrorism handling in
Indonesia, the repressive legal action is precisely the potential to be more radicalsavvy
in the acts of terrorism, so as to achieve the objectives of the strengthening in
combating terrorism, it is necessary to eradicate the radical thinking of the
perpetrators by doing deradicalisation.
The method of approach in writing is sociological juridical. The specification
of this research uses analytical descriptive. Data sources use primary data and
skunder data. Data collection techniques using interview studies, Focus Group
Discussion and observation. To analyze the data, researchers use qualitative
descriptive analysis methods.
Based on the results of the study came the conclusion that the role of
Community guidance in the implementation of deradicalisation program in the
Criminal crime Correctional Client in the Balai Pemasyarakatan Surakarta carried
out jointly by BNPT through deradicalisation program activities with disengagement
approach. Deradicalisation is interpreted as an attempt to neutralize radical
understanding through an interdispliner approach, such as law, psychology, religion,
and social culture for those affected by radical or violent understanding or proviolence.
The disengagement approach is focused on how the individual comes out
of his or her group or no longer chooses violence as a way of achieving the
objectives of the program concept that is being mated by the BNPT as part of the
non-governmental efforts of counter-terrorism in Indonesia, which is self-reliance,
ongoing preventive coaching, resocalization of former terrorism and family, exterrorism
and family rehabilitation, as well as coordination of the handling and
rehabilitation in the areas of deradicalisation and disengagement. Factors that impede
community advisers in the implementation of Deradicalisation program on clients
who commit criminal acts of terrorism in Balai Pemasyarakatan Surakarta are limited
office facilities, limited funds budget, away client locations, difficulty meeting
clients and lack of support from the client family.
Keywords: Correctional Clients, Criminal Acts of Terrorism, Deradicalisation