


The purposes of this research is to study and analyzed the law enforcement
in the Case of Traffic Accident and the steps conducted by Satlantas (Unit of
Traffic), therefore, the implementation of investigation can took place fast.
Backgoround. The measurement of the accident incident is through the
police’s act of who respond fast either in an accident, a crime, or other incidents
that need a presence of Police. In order to anticipate this matter, recently, Police of
The Republic of Indonesia has a center of information controlling which is
sophisticated enough, therefore, based on the underlying background, the writer
take a title “Law Enforcement in The Case of Traffic Accident in Satlantas Polres
In this research, the location where the research took place is Polres
Boyolali (Boyolali Police) because of being based on the consideration that in
Polres Boyolali. Type of the research used in this research is a juridical empiric
research. The characteristics of the research conducted by the writer is descriptive
that is a research which tries to describe situation and other symptoms. The
technique of data analysis is a technique in checking and analyzing the data so
that valid and reliable data can be obtained. In this research, the writer used a
qualitative method.
The process of law enforcement conducted in the traffic accident can be
concluded that the act of the suspect EDY SURYO PITOYO bin MUSLIMIN,
Age: 26 y.o, Place of Birth in Magelang on 24 August 1989, Religion: Islam,
Gender: Male, Last Education: Junior High School, Occupation: Private Worker,
Address: Dk. Kalangan, Rt 05/02, Ds/Kec. Grabag, Kab. Magelang had met the
element of offense contained on the Article 310 paragraph (3) Act Number 22 of
2009 concerning Traffic Light and Road Transportation explaining that: Everyone
who drive a vehicle that due to his/her carelessness causes a traffic accident in
which the victim is heavily injured as meant by Article 310 paragraph (3), he/she
will be punished with imprisonment for maximally 5 (five) years and/or fine as
much as IDR 10,000,000.00 (ten million Rupiah). That in Article 310 paragraph
(3) Act Number 22 of 2009 concerning traffic and road transportation explains:
Everyone who drive a vehicle that due to his/her carelessness causes a traffic
accident in which the victim is heavily injured is punished with imprisonment for
maximally 5 (five) years or fine as much as IDR 10,000,000 (ten million Rupiah).
The elements of Article : a. Everyone who drive a vehicle, b. Due to his/her
carelessness causes a traffic accident, c. Causing the victim heavily injured.
Keywords: Law enforcement, Traffic Accident


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