The results showed that the settlement of the Online Gambling Case in the
Sukoharjo District Court Case Number 118/Pid.B/2021/Pn Skh. Namely, the crime of
online gambling is a minor criminal offense, but the Criminal Code does not recognize
social work criminal penalties and the imposition of social work crimes which is one
of the concepts of criminal sanctions in the Draft Law on the Criminal Code as an
alternative to criminal deprivation of liberty. for the short term and as an alternative to
sanctions if the fine is not paid and the imposition of social work crimes is only given
to minor crimes whose criminal penalties are not more than six months, until now the
Draft Law on the Criminal Code has not been ratified. In this case the Defendant has
been declared proven to have committed a criminal act in violation of Article 303
Paragraph (1) point 1 of the Criminal Code as stated in the Primary Public Prosecutor's
indictment and the Defendant's actions are not a criminal case that can be resolved
through restorative justice and can also be applied to alternative crimes. in the form of
a social work crime, thus the defense of the Defendant's Legal Counsel must be
rejected. Constraints that arise in the settlement of the Online Gambling Case D
Sukoharjo District Court Case Number 118/Pid.B/2021/Pn Skh. The obstacles
encountered in imposing a prison sentence against the accused of online gambling
crime according to the Judge at the Sukoharjo District Court are: 1) At trial the
defendant gave convoluted information, 2) the witness testimony did not match the
testimony of the defendant and 3) the defendant had never been convicted
Keywords: settlement of online gambling cases