The purpose of this study is first, to find out the historical overview of the
position of the Special Region of Surakarta before and after the independence of
the Republic of Indonesia. Second, reviewing the juridical review of the
regulation of the Special Region of Surakarta in the state administration of the
Republic of Indonesia.
Regarding the existence of the Special Region of Surakarta, it cannot be
ignored from the history of state administration in Indonesia. The Special Region
of Surakarta is an area that before Indonesia's independence already had an
original government, including the people, land and territory, and its position was
recognized in the history of the formation of Article 18 of the 1945 Constitution. ,
Sukoharjo, Karanganyar Wonogiri, Sragen and Klaten. Or abbreviated as
This type of research uses a normative juridical method which examines
and examines the literature on the history of Surakarta legitimacy law before and
after Indonesian independence. This study uses primary legal materials with
secondary data. The secondary data obtained is then processed with a qualitative
descriptive nature, that is, after the data has been collected it is then poured in the
form of a paragraph narrative description that is arranged logically and
systematically, to obtain clarity in solving problems in this study.
The results of this study conclude, although currently Surakarta is part of
Central Java according to Law Number 10 of 1950, but according to history it is
very clear and clear that Surakarta is an area that has special characteristics. The
act of including Surakarta as part of Central Java is contrary to the legal history of
the Special Region of Surakarta, which according to Article 18 of the 1945
Constitution and the history of laws and regulations ordered that the Special
Region of Surakarta be formed and stipulated by law.
Keywords: Legal History, Surakarta Special Region, Indonesian State