The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of community guidance
from the Balai Pemasyarakatan Surakarta in assisting drug clients in cooperation
with Yayasan Cahaya Kusuma Bangsa Surakarta. Analyzing the constraints of the
public advisor of the Balai Pemasyarakatan Surakarta in assisting drug clients in
cooperation with Yayasan Cahaya Kusuma Bangsa Surakarta.
The successful implementation of the rehabilitation program of narcotics
clients in preventing narcotic criminal acts is that there is no client to repeat narcotics
abuse criminal offense. Therefore, correctional advisors are responsible for
collecting, organizing and implementing community guidance interventions through
three phases: initial, advanced and final guidance. Each stage of guidance armed with
Community Research that measures the level of achievement of the client's progress,
both psychic ability, social as well as technical self-reliance productivity. Client
Progress Information.
The method of approach in writing is sociological juridical. The specification
of this research uses analytical descriptive. Data sources use primary data and
skunder data. Data collection techniques using interview studies, Focus Group
Discussion and observation. To analyze the data, researchers use qualitative
descriptive analysis methods.
Based on the results of the study came the conclusion that the role of
community guidance in the Balai Pemasyarakatan Surakarta to accompany the drug
clients in cooperation with Yayasan Cahaya Kusuma Bangsa Surakarta is
implemented through social rehabilitation programs. In this case the foundation of
the Surakarta National Light provides therapy either individually or in groups. The
form of therapy in social rehabilitation is among others: Therapeutic group
Prevention of relapse, cognitive-behavioral group therapy, psychoeducation Group
therapy, Life Skills Group therapy, family Support Group therapy, Psychocoreligius
therapy, psychosocial therapy. The administration of this therapy aims to restore
physical or mental condition abusers NAPZA, such as the provision of sports
activities or provide a supply with education and training skills so that clients can
return to social functioning in societal life. The obstacles faced by the Balai
Pemasyarakatan Surakarta in assisting drug clients in collaboration with Yayasan
Cahaya Kusuma Bangsa Surakarta include erratic client behaviour, closed attitudes
from clients as well as relationships with poor families.
Keywords: Civic Guidance, Rehabilitation of Drug Clients.