
  • Ch. Evy Tri Widyahening, Setyasih Harini, Ulupi Sitoresmi


The rapid flow of global culture is often associated with advances in the fields of communication, technology and science. Progress in these three fields has resulted in a very rapid and rapid process of information dissemination throughout the world. Information dissemination is done through print and electronic media, especially social media in the form of facebook, instagram, line, twitter, and so forth. This also affects the understanding of ideology, religion, culture, norms and values adopted by a society, especially Indonesian society. The influence of this rapid flow of global culture does not only bring positive impacts but also negative impacts which result in an awareness of the nation's cultural values decreasing. The rapid flow of global culture has brought changes to the patterns of thought and action of Indonesian people, especially those among the younger generation who are at an early age and tend to be easily influenced by foreign cultures that are incompatible with the personality and character of the Indonesian people. In addition, with the rapid flow of advances in science and technology, it also has an influence on people's interest in reading. People prefer to use devices in terms of getting information quickly and they are lazy to just read books, newspapers or magazines or even visit the library. Instead, through sophisticated means such as devices to obtain information quickly, it can trap the public in obtaining information that is 'hoax' or fake. So, caution is needed in finding news through social media so that it does not cause its own unrest in social life. For this reason, appropriate efforts and strategies are needed so that young people and educators can maintain the cultural values and identity of the Indonesian people so that they do not lose their personality as Indonesian citizens and can use their devices on social media wisely and be able to foster a literacy culture which is currently still low in Indonesia. For this reason, empowerment is needed to achieve a quality literacy culture that is digital based to make it more interesting. Empowerment is implemented for all components of society ranging from adults, the elderly, adolescents to children. But in this case, empowerment is more specifically focused on students and teachers at SDN 01 Suruh Tasikmadu Karanganyar, which indeed has poor library conditions and low literacy levels. Strengthening society towards independence and prosperity requires empowerment. This is because empowerment requires the excavation of the potential, interests and talents of every citizen indiscriminately. Reading culture can open insight, views and mindsets of someone especially students better, hone their soft skills in society. Cultivating digital-based literacy is carried out to keep pace with the times. This was done to make SDN 01 Suruh Tasikmadu Karanganyar students interested in reading and familiar with books in a fun way.
Key Words: Empowering, literacy culture, and digital


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