One of the obstacles in the cultivation of plants is the condition of the right
planting media, which is supported by the availability of water and nutrients for plants.
In order to increase the productivity of the plant, it needs applied technology so that the
physical, chemistry and biological planting conditions are met for plant growth and
development through the use of active charcoal-based soil enhancers that have the
potential to improve the biological soil amendments. So as to optimize the planting media
to the physical properties of soil, chemical, biological, can hold water and provide
nutrients, which then make it as a source of sustainable plant needs in sesame plants. This
research will be carried out in the experimental garden. FP Unisri in February - September
2017. The design used was Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 3 replications.
Treatment factors such as sesame varieties and combination of active charcoal soil
enhancers. The varieties used are Winas 1 and Winas 2. Combinations of soil enhancers
for soil type sand, treatment (100 g of activated charcoal, 100 g of activated charcoal + 100
g of manure, 200 g of activated charcoal, 200 g + 100 g manure). The observations were:
agronomic observation on the growth vase of sesame plant (60-70 HST), the results
showed that 200g of active char and 100 g of fertilizer could increase the growth of sesame
winas 2.
Keywords: active charcoal, Biological Soil Amendments, soil fertility observation, physiological and
agronomic parameters.
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