The article aims at presenting the description of using You Tube environmental based in
teaching English to improve students’ writing skill. The subject of the research is the 4th
semester students of the English Department Program of Slamet Riyadi University in the
academic year of 2014/2015. The method of the research is a classroom action research. The
research was conducted in two cycles. In the 1st cycle, it consists of four meetings in which it
includes pre-test, twice of treatment, and post-test one. Meanwhile, 2nd cycle comprises three
meetings; those are twice of treatment and a post-test two. The sources of the data cover primary
and secondary data. The primary data is informants; those are the students and the writing
lecturer. Then, the secondary data is the document, i.e. lesson plan, questionnaire, and soon. The
techniques of collecting the data are tests, observation, questionnaire, documentation, and
document. Meanwhile, to analyze the data, the researcher use quantitative and qualitative data
analysis. The quantitative data analysis is obtained with the comparison of mean score between
pre-test and post-test one and post-test one and post-test two. Subsequently, the qualitative data
analysis uses data description, data display, data reduction, and drawing conclusion. The result
of the research shows that there is improvement of the students’ achievement after cycle one and
cycle two. The mean score of pre-test is 60.63, meanwhile post-test one is 70.37. It means that
there is improvement after cycle one. Subsequently, the mean score of post-test two is 71.05. It
can be concluded that there is also improvement of after cycle two, although it is not significant.
Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the achievement of the students
improved after cycle one and cycle two in which it is higher than the criterion of minimum
achievement, namely 70. It is because they have clear understanding about what they would
write and they have adequate basic writing.
Keywords: Writing Skill, You Tube Video, Teaching English