Financial Effect On Stock Price Based Chemistry and Industry Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange Year 2014-2016


  • Yuliyantina Safitri, Siti Nurlaela & Kartika Hendra


This study aimed to determine the effect of the financial performance of the stock
price on the company and basic chemical industry listed in Indonesia Stock
Exchange either partially or simultaneously. Samples taken as many as 11
companies in the period 2014-2016. The type of data in this study using secondary
data from the financial statements. The independent variable in this study is the
DAR, ROA, CR, and EPS. As for the dependent variable in this study is the stock
price. The data collection technique using purposive sampling method. The data in
this study using multiple regression analysis. The first results of this study from the
calculation of DAR, ROA, and CR simultaneously no significant effect on stock
prices. While the EPS of the most dominant variable influence on the company's
stock price base and chemical industry.
Keywords: [DAR, ROA, CR, EPS, Price Stocks]

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