Fun and Play Learning Model for Children with Special Needs


  • Agung Prasetyo, Asrowi, Nunuk Suryani dan Sunardi


Education is an effort to develop human potential optimally, both in terms of physical,
mental, social and spiritual in accordance with the uniqueness of each individual. Through
education is expected every child is able to develop their potential optimally. This is not
only applicable to children in general but is no exception applicable to children with special
One of those included in children with special needs is children with autism spectrum
disorders, who have developmental barriers in communication, social interaction and
behavior. Some children with autism spectrum disorders do not care what they do. They
imitate another child without having a reason to do so. Barriers to children should be
minimized so that the potential of children can develop optimally. The product resulting
from the development of this learning model is a model of learning that can be used for
especially Autis with difficulty of its form disruption speech ability.
Things that distinguish this learning model is implemented in accordance with the
characteristics of the child's own method of Fun and Play or learn a fun by playing. They
are not afraid or feel comfortable because they can not understand whether there is under
treatment. The expected product is a module with a syntax or stage based on fun activities
(Fun and Play).
Children with Special Needs are unique personalities, sometimes behind their uniqueness
stored pearl abilities, where we can not see or label how much they can before we give
them the best treatment. Autism with any spectrum should immediately get the right service
and no mistreatment because if it had been indicated autistic as far as are knowledge will
lead to Schizhoprenia behavior because both have almost similar characteristics .
Keywords : fun and play, children with special needs, autism spectrum , disruption speech ability,

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