Onomatopoeia in Minions: Banana! Comic and Its Indonesian Version (Translation Approach)


  • Yunita Widiyantari dan Ni Luh Sintha MW


Several aims are constructed such as the types of onomatopoeia, the technique of translation,
the translation quality and the impact of the technique to the translation quality of
onomatopoeia in children comic entitled “Minions: Banana!” and its translation version
entitled “Minions: Banana!”. Descriptive qualitative method is used. Meanwhile, the data used
in this research consist of two data. The first data is the onomatopoeia words which are found
in comic entitled “Minions: Banana!” both in English and Indonesian version. The second data
is questionnaire which are distributed to the three raters. The distributed questionnaires are
about translation technique and translation quality assessment. As the result, there are 63 data
altogether. There are 2 types of onomatopoeia which are lexical onomatopoeia (22 data or
35%), non-lexical onomatopoeia (36 data or 57%), and 5 data or 8% are uncategorized.
Futhemore the translation techniques used to translate onomatopoeia are 4 techniques which
are adaptation (8 data or 12,7%), borrowing (32 data or 50,8%), discursive creation (7 data or
11,1%), and established equivalent (16 data or 25,4%).
Keyword:onomatopoeia, comic, translation technique, quality.

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