The Perspective of Children Right in the Children Mobilization of Political Campaign In Indonesia


  • Haidar Fikri


Politic cannot be separated by mass mobilization. In several definitions, mass mobilization
is also defined as a political campaign. Nowadays, campaign of political party does not pay
attention to the regulation. The party involves the children in campaign. There are many
children join the campaign. It can be seen when the campaign gathers in a certain place
with mass mobilization. There are many children who are interested in campaign like they
are watching the concert of dangdutmusic or other entertainments. Besides that, the show
of campaign in television also influences the children right.Many children memorize the
mars of political party and they always sing it because it is always played in TV
advertisement in Indonesia. It absolutely breaks the law no 23 of 2002 and no. 35 of 2014
about children protection. After being investigated, the children memorize the mars of
political party from television that is broadcasted massively everyday. This research
focuses on how children mobilization in a campaign through the perspective of children
right. This research used the approach of law no 23 of 2002 and no 35 of 2014 about
children protection. The method of the research used document study from various sources
such as media, journal, and other documents. The result of the research shows that many
political parties ignore the children right. It is usually found that children join the campaign.
The party has not understood the law of general election. The parents also have role to
observe their children when they are watching TV because the play of mars of a political
party is not appropriate with children right. Therefore, parents must accompany the children
while watching TV in order that their right can be accomplished related to politic.
Key words: children right, campaign, political party

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