Optimizing Parenting Program in an effort of building Character Education Children In early childhood “Permata Hati” Kadipiro Surakarta


  • Feri Faila Sufa & M. Hery Yuli Setiawan


Feri Faila Sufa, M Hery Yuli Kurniawan. Optimizing Parenting Program in an effort to Building Character
Education In early childhood “Permata Hati” Kadipiro Surakarta. Beside through formal education (kindergarten,
RA) Early Childhood Education (ECE) is also done through education in the family (informal education), and
education in the community (non-formal education) play groups and another of early childhood (SPS), such as at
Sunday school, ECE unit similar, Education Park Village In Al-Qur'an, and others. The beginning of pre-school
education is not only the responsibility of teachers, but also parents and a society. Optimizing the empowering
role of parents through parenting is done so that is synergistic with the vision and mission of early childhood
programs. Efforts to internalize the character education of children through parenting activities. Based on the
survey that conducted in Pos of early childhood Education Permata Hati Kadipiro, show that parenting program
is not running optimally. Evidently from many parents are in class, when the learning process takes place, in the
outside of classroom seems some kids do not join the learning process because they follow their parents, beside
some parents huddle outside the classroom for waiting their children/childs without any activity, so there is no
productive activity or no ideas to help the early childhood program at the school. The method that used is to give
assistance parenting activities, form the organizational structure of the parents. The results show that the assistance
through coordinated parenting activities every month to make parents become more productive, and understand
the importance of children's education in instilling character education from an early age.
Keywords: Character Education, Parenting, Early Children Education (ECE).

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