KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN LOYALITAS PELANGGAN (Study Kasus Di Progresif Digital Printing And Advertising Cabang Simo, Boyolali Dalam Tiga


  • Ahmad Robianto Bedjo Soekarno & Maya Sekar W


This study aims to determine the marketing communications conducted by progressive digital
printing and advertising branch simo in increasing customer loyalty. In this study, using the
theory of Kotler's marketing communications and customer loyalty theory of Buchari Alma. The
method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The technique of collecting data using
interviews, observation and documentation so that the data are presented accurately. Data were
analyzed using an interactive analysis and research models move between the three components
of data: data reduction, data presentation, and concluding with the data collection component.
The results of analysis of this study that conducted marketing communications company managed
to increase customer loyalty by using marketing communication in the form of promotion mix
which includes Advertising (Advertising) were performed using print media such as banners,
Sticker affixed in the car or commonly known as (Branding Car) and face to Face (Personal
Selling) conducted by plunging directly into the field came to prospective customers to provide
information and the Sales Promotion (Sales Promotion), which is done by giving bonuses, free
offers and discounts.
Keywords: Marketing Communications, Customer Loyalty, Progressive


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