Kebijakan Presiden Vladimir Putin dalam Menjalin Kerjasama Dengan Indonesia


  • Setyasih - Harini


This article explores about foreign policy of President Vladimir Putin. Under a strong leadership
of President Vladimir Putin, the new Russia is gaining in influence through a series of strategic
moves resolving around its geopolitical assets in energy and military. He also wants to change
Russia’s foreign policy. Ideological fundament-communism and class struggle no longer exist as
a significant factor in Russian foreign policy; instead some pragmatist ways can be seen in
foreign policy concepts and actions. Putin emphasized his pragmatism in foreign policy in most of
his speeches and realized it in foreign policy actions. In views of Russia, Indonesia is a country
that have a lot of potential. In addition to being in the path of international trade, Indonesia has
many natural resources. So it is important for Russia to make a good cooperation with Indonesia.
One of this way is cooperating with Indonesia in economic, political and military. Russia makes
Indonesia as a market for the military products, where to invest and make loans. Russia also
support Indonesia in dealing with terrorism and other political issues.
Keywords: Foreign Policy, Cooperating


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