Kelas Pekerja Dan Pendekatan Lintas Pembilahan (Cross-Cleavage Approach): Studi Kasus Perjuangan Gerakan Sosdem Di Skandinavia


  • Cherry - Augusta


The Scandinavian social democrat’s ability in managing societal cleavages of politics has
been an important part in their relative success of promoting the ideas of social democracy, and
welfare state. But there are revived and contested arguments about what kind of cleavages that
mostly played significant role and strategically has been managed to pave the way for
democratization, and also what kind of approaches used in managing them. Through this paper I
comparatively and definitely emphasize the struggle of working class and social democrats in
Scandinavia. In which social democrats play highly important role in organizing the working
class. As apparent in the course of Scandinavia’s democratic history, the working class as
democratic potential raised significantly when it being organized and enfranchised. Furthermore,
the class met typical contexts in capitalism development and traditional cleavages of Scandinavia.
The cross-cleavages approaches definitely most used in the struggle, particularly throughout
coalition with another class, territorial and cultural groups, gender, and even religious groups.
Key Word: Social Democrat, Societal Cleavage, Organized Working Class, Croos-Cutting
Cleavages, Cross-Cleavages Approaches


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