YOUTUBE DAN KEBHINNEKAAN (Persepsi akademisi terhadap youtube sebagai media alternatif penyampai pesan kebhinnekaan)


  • Haryo Kusumo Aji


This research is motivated by the rise of negative news concerning the issue of SARA, radicalism
and so on that spread in cyberspace. Social media becomes the easiest place to spread content
like this because of the easy access given to share any posts. Youtube as the largest video-based
social media became one of the reference individuals to find information based on audio and
visual. An academic with his academic background has a certain perception of this youtube
media in conveying the message of diversity.
By using qualitative approach interpretive and case study method, hence got result of research
conducted by academics at Slamet Riyadi University. From the attention variables obtained that
someone's motive in watching youtube impressions is to know the clarity of an existing
information, because of this media based on audio visual. While the external factor of this
variable is the ease of using youtube to share in multi platform. For Interpretation variables
obtained that the value of the individual is in terms of usefulness using this medium is to increase
knowledge, also in the satisfaction as a place of entertainment. In the experience variables from
individuals in the world of academics are for improving interest for pay attention to topics
related to education. Then, in the culture variables, namely religion and belief become the basis
in perceiving a show that contains SARA issues. Individuals want to see how religion deals with
emerging issues. Then, in the expectations variables shows how individual expectations to
further multiply positive content in social media in order to muffle the negative content so that
the diversity of the Indonesian nation more realized.
Keyword: Youtube, Diversity, perception, academia, alternative media


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