POLA ALIRAN INFORMASI KOMUNIKASI DAKWAH KULTURAL MUHAMMADIYAH (Studi Kasus Tentang Komunikasi Organisasi Muhammadiyah Dalam Proses Penyebaran Pesan Dakwah Kultural Sebagai Strategi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Islam)


  • Arina Nurrohmah


To change and neutralize attitudes and thoughts about Muhammadiyah which is considered anticulture
and tend to be rigid, after KH. Ahmad Dahlan, then at Tanwir Muhammadiyah in Bali,
followed by Tanwir and congress in Makassar and agreed to affirm cultural dakwah as one of
da'wah approach in planting Islamic values and community empowerment. So this research is
made to know the pattern of information flow of Muhammadiyah cultural propagation
communication is the same with cultural dakwah Walisongo and NU.
This research basically uses qualitative approach with descriptive case study technique. Where
the report obtained from the field later, either from the results of interviews, documentation and
observations described descriptively.
From the result of the research, the Muhammadiyah communication pattern is detected by using
the combination theory of information flow in Joseph A Devito's organization that is wheel
pattern (Leader becomes the central figure in deciding every policy and delivering the message
formally) and Y pattern from Message Spoken by Leader but member can send and Received a
message. Where this proves the theory of communication which states in certain conditions
communicant can exchange the role of communicator when Muhammadiyah in the lower level to
channel Islamic information with cultural approach in the area. There are five cultural da'wah
strategies: (cultural da’wah through local culture, cultural da’wah in the context of global
culture, cultural da’wah through art appreciation, cultural da’wah through multimedia, cultural
da’wah through pilgrim movement and da’wah jama’ah), and prove cultural mission carried
Muhammadiyah has Covering a wider scope that suits the culture of modern society. Wider than
the cultural dakwah of Walisongo, whose society was still traditional.
Keywords: information communication flow, cultural da'wah muhammadiyah


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