PERILAKU PENGGUNAAN MEDIA SOSIAL DAN IDENTITAS DIRI (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Tentang Perilaku Penggunaan Media Sosial dan Identitas Diri di Kalangan Mahasiswa S1 Jurusan Komunikasi Universitas Slamet Riyadi Surakarta)


  • Fanny Hendro Aryo Putro


Many university students use social media, in the good side it can increse their knowledge
and in the other side can give bad influence such as not appreciate about time and get
impact about what became trens in social media. The existence of social media has become
a part of the pattern of life of students. A little To much will exert influence in the creation
of or changes to the identity of users of social media. This research uses qualitative
research methods, descriptive phenomenology of approach with research on the method of
phenomenology is to (1) Textural description: what is the subject of research on a
phenomenon. (2) Structural description: how the subject experiencing and interpret her
experiences with regard to the utilization of social media among students in aspects of the
development and establishment of self-identity. Some of the views to see all social
relationships with social media-based internet identity in the formation of a one-semester
student is at a cycle of development that are transitional towards a more mature phase.
Social media became a staple in the lives of students. Related with undergraduate student
identity in the Department of Communication Sciences of Slamet Riyadi University in the
use of social media, that the media usage is more adapted to the mood. Also in the
presence of the use pseudonyms in the account he had made indicating that the student has
not had a sense of responsibility that is full of what has been written and upload content.
Then required the existence of a form of parapet as separator changes behavior offered by
social media.
Keywords: student’s identity, usage behavior of social media, social media


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