On the year of 2008, Barack Obama make the abortion as one of his campaign issuees thepresident of United States. Based on the George W Bush era as the United States president
before him,George W Bush makes the abortion is the illegal issues. But when Barack Obama
was elected became the president of United States he knows that he must keep his campaign
issues become real, the abortion itself is an issue that is difficult to implement because the pros
and cons attached to them, so the authors argue that it is feasible to study the process of
implementing the policy of abortion in the US. Based on the theory system , the authors wanted
to explain the reason for any reason that causes Barack Obama took any measures to legalize
the act of abortion. This research was conducted with a qualitative description of the approach
and use data object of policy analysis abortions during the reign of Barack obama years 2009-
2013 This study uses secondary data sources in the form of literature articles, online media and
other sources relating to research.The reasons Barack Obama took the decision legal abortion
enacted in the US in 2009 based on input which contains the support and demand which has
impact on positive and negative things, and the output which is the result from the action or the
policy that Barack Obama takes and the feedback to input and environment from the people of
United states. To reduce the number of abortions authors suggest :the government provides
rules as to the terms of abortion, providing limit to the number of abortions, the government
should pay attention as pregnancy rates in the wwanita as to reduce the number of pregnancies
in women in the us government should pay more attention as the increase in family planning
Key word : barack obama, abortion, theory system