
  • Vita Herlinawati, Bedjo Sukarno & Nurwati HH


Professionalism crew includes two factors that is the impact from in and encouragement from
the outside felt by all crew can increase working spirit and work crew. Crew who feel
comfortable with work done will make professionalism crew and growing his handiwork so that
it can be had an impact on the produce the program as a whole. With increasing produce also
affected with work performance and maintain rating program. The kind of in and motivation
from out of professionalism crew resulted in which impressions message belongs to be told
communicator to communicant to realize motive connection. In this research that refers to their
professionalism crew factor that is applied to the program Si Bolang Trans7. One theory used
researchers is as revealed by Tjokrowinoto (1996: 191) “ Their professionalism is the ability to
plan, coordinates, and carry out its function in an efficient way, innovative, flexible, and have
their work high ethic”. The research is the kind of research descriptive kualitatif by using the
method data collection of interview, observation, and documentation. This study attempts to
describing and analyze professionalism crew in maintaining rating the Si Bolang Trans7
program. Interview this was done in Producer, Camera person, Reporter, and Editor program
the Si Bolang Trans7. The research result show that professionalism crew from the urge from the
and encouragement from outside formed very good for crews in the program the Si Bolang
Trans7. This can be seen from the achievement of various indicators which is in encouragement
from within. And there are also from the urge from outside. Professionalism crew was formed
affect business crew in reaching a the purpose of the program. And most importantly for all crew
keep professionalism in giving impressions to the spectators and get achievement program also
defended a good rating.
Keywords: professionalism, communication,production, television.


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