This research aims to describe and find out about tourism development strategic plan analysis ofTulungagung district. According to the SWOT analysis that is conducted by the author the most
appropriate strategy in developing tourism Tulungagung district is ST strategy that use its
strength that exists to face the threats. The results of the analysis of the strategic plan
(RENSTRA) of the Ministry of culture, tourism, youth and sports Tulungagung district 2014-
2018 shows that the contents of the corresponding right to what Renstra mandate PP number 8
in 2008. But there is no strategy in more detail.
The authors conclude that the potential of tourism exists in Tulungagung, the most numerous and
has most potential is the Nature tourism sector as well as Cultural tourism. To establish the
tourism development in Tulungagung it is suggested to use strategies ST (Strength-Threat).
Direction of the tourism development in Tulungagung district, is establishing Tulungagung as a
viable tourist destination selling and contribute to the economy and the welfare of society.
Keyword: Strategic, Development, tourism, Tulungagung