OPINI PUBLIK TENTANG PEMBERITAAN KASUS CHARLIE HEBDO (Pendapat Ulama Surakarta Tentang Pemberitaan Kasus Charlie Hebdo Di Harian SOLOPOS)


  • Bagus Adi Muliawan Fauzi, Maya Sekar Wangi & Siswanta


People in their life realize the importance of fulfillment their need toward the
informations, in this case a newspaper as a printing media has an important role. Newspaper
can spread out the messages and vary informations to the public. The headline is the main
information in the newspaper which is interesting to read for the public. One of the cases being
exposed by media is charlie hebdo case about the controversial of caricature and the attack
The purpose of the research is to describe the mufti opinions in Surakarta about the case
of charlie hebdo in Solopos daily. This research used different opinion theory by Mellvin D.
Defleur and hegemoni theory by Mc. Quail. This method is qualitative descriptive which is
describing situations, condition, or event. The technique of collecting the data used observation
and interview in order to get the accuration. The data analysis used intercative analysis model.
This research is among three components, they are : data reduction, data display, and
conclusion drawing and verification. The result of the research was known that solopos news
very influence toward the opinion of the religionist, as the charlie hebdo case. The news about
that, begin from the caricature of prophet Muhammad on the cover until the attack which is
caused the victim as in the Solopos daily, make a pro and contra toward public opinion.
Keywords: Opinion Public, Charlie Hebdo, Ulama Surakarta


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