ACARA MY TRIP MY ADVENTURE DAN PERILAKU PENONTON (Pengaruh Acara My Trip My Adventure di Trans TV terhadap Perilaku Penonton dikalangan Karang Taruna Desa Jatirejo Kecamatan Jumapolo Kabupaten Karanganyar)


  • Retno Safitri, Bedjo Sukarno & Nurnawati


In this research method used is the method of survey eksplanatif that is associative
with research the relationship (correlation). Research location in the village of Jatirejo,
district Jumapolo, Karanganyar Regency. The samples used in this study are teenagers aged 15-
19 years as many as 38 people with random sampling, analysis techniques are
used namely nalisis Kendall's tau correlation.. With the results of koefisisen correlation of 0.551
and known values of count and .table, namely 0.551 > 0.025. Because t.count greater than t.
table, then look that there was significant influence between the "Event of My Trip My Adventure
against behavior on an audience with significant levels adequate for the 5% (0.05) trust, then the
behavior on coral midshipman Jatirejo Village, Jumapolo Sub-district, Karanganyar Regency is
affected by the events of My Trip My Adventure in Trans TV and the rest in influence by other
Keywords: Event My Trip My Adventure, watching television, behavior


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