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Upaya mengurangi GRK tersebut sekaligus meningkatkan hasil tanaman dapat melalui pemberian bahan organic (pemupukan bahan organic & system pertanian organic/SPO). Di Indonesia melalui: 1).Pemberian pupuk kandang dan amelioran (tanah  laterit) pada tanah gambut di Kebun Karet Kalteng  telah menghasilkan emisi  CO2 ( 15,20 % dan 21,90 %) lebih rendah dibanding control (tanpa perlakuan); 2).penyebaran pupuk kandang di permukaan tanah akan menekan kehilangan  unsur N dan  P; 3). Pengembalian residu pertanian ke dalam tanah;  4). SPO (termasuk system padi SRI Organik); 5). Pertanian Terpadu Berbasis Sumberdaya Lokal; 6).Pengembangan system  irigasi hemat air; 7). Sistem pertanian tekno- ekologis (ramah lingkungan) sesuai kondisi (Model 1 sampai Model 5): a). Model 1 (Pola diversifikasi non integrasi, atau hubungan/ pembentukan rantai makanan tanpa teknologi baru); b). memasukkan teknologi ramah lingkungan yang selalu meningkat efektivitasnya sesuai urutan model (model 2 sampai model 5 ). Di Inggris lewat SPO telah menghasilkan: 1). 3.200.000 ton unsur C dapat diserap oleh tanah setiap tahun; 2). Kombinasi savana  dan SPO menghasilkan  unsur C mampu menekan emisi CH4 dari domba; 3). Praktek SPO secara luas dapat menyerap 11 % unsur dari total emisi GRK atau menyerap 23 % emisi C lewat penggaraman C. serta mengurangi emisi unsur C (GRK) yang besar pula sekaligus telah membuat pertanian seluruh dunia lebih tahan terhadap dampak iklim ekstrim


Kata kunci: gas rumah kaca, penggunaan bahan organik, sistem pertanian organik


The effort to reduce GHG while improving crop yields can be through the provision of organic material (fertilizer and organic material organic farming system / SPO). In Indonesia through: 1). Provision of manure and amelioran (laterite soil) on peat soil in Central Kalimantan, rubber gardens have produced CO2 emissions (15.20% and 21.90%) lower than the control (no treatment), 2). spread manure on the soil surface will suppress the loss of elements of N and P, 3). Returns of agricultural residues into the soil, 4). SPO (including organic SRI rice system); 5). Local Resource-Based Integrated farming; 6). Development of water-saving irrigation system; 7). Techno-ecological farming systems (green) according to the conditions (Model 1 to Model 5): a). Model 1 (non diversified pattern of integration, or ties / formation of the food chain without new technology); b). incorporate environmentally friendly technology that is increasing its effectiveness in the order model (Model 2 to Model 5). In the UK through the SPO has resulted in: 1). 3.2 million tons of elements of C can be absorbed by the soil each year; 2). Combination of savannah and SPO generates C elements can reduce CH4 emissions from sheep, 3). SPO is widely practice can absorb 11% of total GHG emissions element or absorb 23% of emissions by salting C. C. as well as reducing emissions of elements of C (GHGs) are greater at the same time has made the whole world agriculture more resilient to the impact of extreme climate

Keywords: greenhouse gases, the use of organic materials, organic farming systems

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