The purpose of this research is to review and analyze the Assistancing
Implementation of Pembimbing Kemasyarakatan Balai Pemasyakatan Surakarta on
Anak yang Berkonflik dengan Hukum. To review and analyze the obstacles that
occur in the Assistancing Implementation of Pembimbing Kemasyarakatan Balai
Pemasyakatan Surakarta on Anak yang Berkonflik dengan Hukum.
The existence of Anak yang Berkonflik dengan Hukum, needs to get attention
and protection, because in fact the child cannot protect himself from various actions
that cause mental, physical, social harm in various areas of life.
This method of approach in writing is sociological juridical. The
specifications of this study use analytical descriptive. The data source uses primary
data and skunder data. Data collection techniques use interview studies, and
observations. To analyze the data, researchers used qualitative descriptive analysis
Based on the results of the study obtained the conclusion that the
Assistancing Implementation of Pembimbing Kemasyarakatan Balai Pemasyakatan
Surakarta on Anak yang Berkonflik dengan Hukum is to carry out mentoring,
mentoring, supervision, and Penelitian Kemasyarakatan on Anak yang Berkonflik
dengan Hukum. Assistance at each level of examination is carried out when the
execution of diversion as well as the execution of the determination / verdict of the
court. Balai Pemasyarakatan also carries out the duties and functions of Penelitian
Kemasyarakatan. In the process of diversion the recommendations of the Penelitian
Kemasyarakatan report are used as a consideration of whether the child offender will
be held in a state prison on a special block for the child or handed over to another
institution to attend education, coaching and work training or returned to his parents.
The obstacles that occur in the Assistancing Implementation of Pembimbing
Kemasyarakatan Balai Pemasyakatan Surakarta on Anak yang Berkonflik dengan
Hukum are distinguished by external and internal barriers. External barriers include
children committing crimes often do not have a clear identity, do not meet with the
parent/guardian of the child and there is no active role both on the part of the
perpetrator and the victim. Internal obstacles include limited cost budget, limited
means of transportation, lack of computer availability.
Keywords: Assistancing Implementation of Pembimbing Kemasyarakatan, Anak
yang Berkonflik dengan Hukum