The purpose of this study is to: 1) Review and analyse the mechanisms of
implementation of Exchange due to the procurement of the Waqf land spit of land
for the construction of the highway in the village of Mojolegi sub-district of the
terrace and the village of Denggungan Sub-district Banyudono Boyolali Regency.
2) review and analyze the obstacles that occur in the implementation of the
exchange of land endowments due to scroll the procurement of land for the
construction of the highway in the village of Mojolegi sub-district of the terrace
and the village of Denggungan Sub-district Banyudono Boyolali Regency.The
method of approach in writing this is the juridical sociological. The specification of
this research uses descriptive analytic. Data source use the primary data and the
data of skunder. Engineering data collection using the study interview, the library
and study the documents. To analyze the data, the researchers used a qualitative
descriptive methods of analysis.Based on the research results obtained the
conclusion that the mechanism of implementation of the result of the Waqf land
spit switch the procurement of land for the construction of the highway in the
village of Mojolegi and the village of Denggungan Sub-district Banyudono
Boyolali Regency Terrace Sub implemented with reference to the provisions of the
presidential Regulation number 3 of the year 2016 on the acceleration of project
implementation, National execution so conveniently located changes the status of
the Waqf property affected by the procurement of land for the construction of toll
roads tend to conflict with the provisions of legislation regulating the mechanism of
change of status of property endowments. Barriers that occur in the implementation
of the exchange of land endowments due to scroll the procurement of land for the
construction of the highway in the village of Mojolegi sub-district of the terrace
and the village of Denggungan Sub-district Banyudono Boyolali Regency are: (1)
Internal factors that is most great Nazhir still less understanding about the basic
tasks and functions related changes the status of the Waqf Property affected by the
highway as well as the active role and coordination of the related parties include:
Nazhir, KUA, Religious Ministry (Central, provincial, city of Semarang), BWI, and
Semarang toll road, PPK, national land Agency and the team Implementing the
procurement of land where the maximum yet in the settlement changes the status of
the Waqf Property affected by the highway. (2) external factors that is having
trouble finding a replacement property land endowments affected the appropriate toll road development, both in terms of the value of the loss, dressing side reviewed
the Location and designation of utilization of Space.
Keywords: Swap spit of land endowments, the procurement of land for the public