The purpose of thisresearchis to study and analyze the criminal act ofnarkotics and the steps of investigation performance on the criminal act of
narkotics in the investigation in Sat Resnarkoba Polres Boyolali (Resort Unit of
Narcotics and Drugs, Boyolali Police) .
Background. The provisions of a law which regulates the matter of
Narcotics had been made and implemented, nevertheless, crime related to
Narcotics has not been able to be reduced. In many cases, there were many
croupiers and sellers of narcotics and drugs who were arrested and got a heavy
sanction, but, other perpetrators seemed not to care, even the provisions of the
laws governing the Narcotics issue have been compiled and enforced, but narcotic
crimes can not be eradicated thoroughly.
The Writer conducted a preliminary research awal in the form of collecting
the supporting researched data. After that, the Writer conducted aresearchin Sat
Reserse Narkoba Polres Boyolali. The techniques of data collection are in the
forms of interview and documentation study. All data collected either primary or
secondary data would be analyzed qualitatively that was explanation according to
the quality, which prevailed on fact as being in line with the primary data which
was related to the theories in the secondary data.
Discussion. That the act of the suspect REJO AHMADY Bin AHMAD
TARMUJI, Place and Date of Birth: Boyolali, 17 August 1971, Age: 44 y.o.,
Religion: Islam, Gender: Male, Occupation: Private Worker (motorcycle
workshop), Last Education: Elementary School graduated in 1986, Address: Dk.
Cepogo Rt 03 Rw 01 Ds. Cepogo Kec. Cepogo Kab. Boyolali, had broken the law
and had met the elementes of criminal act of Narcotics misuse as meant on the
formulation: Article 112 paragraph (1) jo article 114 paragraph (1) jo article 127
paragraph (1) Actnumber 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. The Steps of The
Investigation Completion Process of The Criminal Act were: 1. Arranging a
Police Report, 2. Composing a Task Command Letter, 3. Composing an
Investigation Command Letter, 4. Information on The Beginning of Investigation,
5. Composing an Appointment of Lawyer, 6. Composing a Rejection on the
Lawyer, 7. Composing a Statement Letter, 8. Composing an Arrest Command
Letter, 9. Composing a Detention Command Letter, 10. Composing a Searching
Command Letter, 11. Composing a Confiscation Command Letter, 12. Examining
the Evidences in Laboratory.
Keywords: Criminal act of narcotics, Investigation