Existing law of perpetrator of its abuse narkoba penalization rehabilitate the inclusive
of child. But practically perpetrator of abuse narkoba of some area as in Solo get the crime
penalization. Its target so that that crime weigh against its perpetrator so that its badness can
be overcome in society, because doing an injustice of narkoba very endangering of
importance nation and state. Crime sanction which is knocked down to perpetrator of abuse
narkoba of like told by Siswanto Sunarso (2004 9) still be assessed not yet given to have
cold feet and discourage because usually decision given still be influenced by norm of
outside norm punish, seems still stick and become the constraint to straightening of law by
konsekuen. Government of through its institute that is Lapas to do the construction of
convict of child of perpetrator of abuse narkoba. During serving time crime in Rutan hence
child will become the responsibility Rutan so that here role Rutan to really to running of its
role do construction.
This Research target is to know the effectiveness of execution of construction of child
convict at doing an injustice of abuse narkoba in Rutan Klas I Surakarta.
This research is descriptive research taking location in Rutan Klas I Surakarta. its
Data Type is data of primary and sekunder. Data collecting conducted with the observasy,
quesionery and interview and also bibliography study. Technique analyse the data used is
analysis qualitative.
Result of research 1. Construction conducted in Rutan Klas I Surakarta not yet
effective, but its handling have as according to Invitor - Invite the No. 12 Year 1995 about
Pemasyarakatan, which its execution is arranged with the Governmental Regulation of No.
31 Year 1999 about Construction and Tuition of Citizen of Binaan Pemasyarakatan.
Construction executed in Rutan Klas I Surakarta namely construction of personality and
independence construction. Personality Construction given in Rutan Klas I is Religion
Education, Athletic Education, nation and state construction, and sense of justice
construction. And also independence construction executed is Perajin wood, Making,
cendramata, Pengelasan, Paint, Making frame and ashtray and sew the. Constraint faced by
the Rutan Klas I Surakarta for example 1) There no special Regulation to construction of
napi narkoba at child 2) Not yet made available of space Rehabilitate and Insulation and 3)
Motivate convict.
Keyword : Fostering A child Prisioners, crime of Drug Abuse