Program Studi Magister Ilmu Hukum
Program Pascasarjana UNISRI Surakarta
The purpose of this study is to examine and explain the handling of the criminal
offense of abuse of narcotics at the investigation stage in the jurisdiction. Examines and
explains the obstacles in the handling of criminal acts abuse of drugs in the investigation
stage in the jurisdiction of Police Boyolali.
This research method using normative juridical type of research, which is done
by examining secondary data sources, which consist of primary legal materials,
secondary law, and tertiary legal materials. The nature of descriptive research, the
research is intended to provide data as accurately as possible about the people,
circumstances or other symptoms.
Treatment at this stage of the investigation of the criminal offense of abuse of
narcotics in the Police Law Boyolali namely: receiving reports from the public about the
alleged criminal act then Police Narcotics abuse Boyolali make police report on the
report after it is created Warrant and Warrant Investigation Task then Member Police
Boyolali to act first on the scene found the suspect and evidence, then perform forceful
measures against the suspect in the form of arrest, search and seizure of evidence and
urine tests conducted against the suspect in the Forensic Laboratory, the next suspect
Examination (Investigator make Interrogation ), during arrests, investigators
complement case file and send the case file to the District Attorney Boyolali and
otherwise have a complete dossier (P-21), after it is done delivery phase suspect and any
evidence to the State Attorney Boyolali. Barriers in the handling of criminal acts of
abuse of narcotics at the investigation stage in the jurisdiction of Police Boyolali, is the
lack of cooperation between police (Investigator) with a society that does not want to
report the occurrence of the crime of drug abuse on the grounds do not want to be a
witness because not bother other people's business. The criminal misuse of narcotic
remove traces of time will do a search, giving a convoluted explanation. Limited
facilities and infrastructure including vehicles owned by the Police Boyolali to conduct
patrols in each region who are considered vulnerable. Limited human resources (police)
is the lack of professionals in conducting the investigation.
Keywords: Management, Crime, Abuse, Narcotics