
  • Hamukti Pramudya Wardani Slamet Riyadi University
  • Aris Eddy Sarwono
  • Dewi Saptantinah Puji Astuti


financial distress, Altman Z-Score Modification, Islamic Bank


The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential for financial distress
with the Altman Z-score Modification method in Islamic banks in Indonesia and
analyze the differences between Muamalat Bank and public banks that open
sharia. The scope of this research is empirical study. The study population is
Islamic banks in Indonesia. The sample was 11 years with a purposive sampling
technique. Data collection methods use documentation and study of literature.
Analycis data techniques using the Altman Z-Score modification. The results
showed that bankruptcy prediction with the Altman Z-Score Model modification
on Islamic banks in Indonesia that the majority of banks in healthy condition, in
2011 and 2012 Bank Bukopin was predicted to go bankrupt, in 2014 Bank Jabar
and Banten Syariah experienced potential bankruptcy then in gray area, Bank
Syariah Mandiri and Bank Panin Syariah experience potential bankruptcy. Bank
Jabar and Banten Syariah in 2015 and 2017 are in the gray area and Bank Panin
Syariah experiences potential bankruptcy while in 2018 it is in a gray area. The
results showed that there were significant differences in financial distress and
ROA between Muamalat Bank and Other Sharia Commercial Banks.

Author Biography

Hamukti Pramudya Wardani, Slamet Riyadi University

You'll when you believe - Man Jadda Wa Jada


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