About the Journal

Journal of Accounting and Technology Information Systems is a journal published by the accounting department of the Faculty of Economics, Slamet Riyadi University, Surakarta. Jasti Journal is published regularly as a field for exchanging ideas and information on scientific works from various academic circles, practitioners, business, alumni, students, and the general public. In addition, this journal is one of the contributions to the development of science and scientific participation. Editors accept manuscripts that have never been published in other media, in national and international publications.


Duties for Chief in Editors

  1. Based on the review report, the Chief Editor has the right to accept or reject the manuscript or can send the same for modification.
  2. Chief Editor must ensure that each manuscript is initially evaluated, and examines the manuscripts originality. After passing this test, the manuscript is then forwarded to two reviewers for blind peer-review. Each of them will make a recommendation to accept/reject or modify the reviewed manuscript.
  3. Chief Editor must ensure that each manuscript is reviewed for its intellectual content.
  4. Chief Editor must ensure that information regarding the manuscript is kept confidential.


Duties for Authors

  1. Authors must guarantee that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere.
  2. Authors must guarantee that the manuscript is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  3. Authors must guarantee that the manuscript has been submitted with the full knowledge and approval of the Institution given as the affiliation of the authors.
  4. Authors must guarantee that they have written entirely original work.
  5. Authors should, also, provide all data related to their manuscript.
  6. If the work involves chemicals, procedures, or equipment that have any unusual hazards inherent in their use, authors must identify these in the manuscript.

Duties for Reviewers

  1. Reviewer should be kept confidential all information regarding the reviewed manuscript.
  2. Reviewer must ensure that the authors have acknowledged all sources of data used in the research. Any kind of similarity between the manuscript and other published papers must be immediately brought to the notice of the Chief Editor.
  3. Reviewer should express their views clearly with the supporting arguments.
  4. In case, the reviewer feels that it is not possible to complete the review process, must inform the Child in Editor immediately, so the manuscript could be sent to any other reviewer.



We invite unpublished research, empirical study, book review, short communication, and high-quality research work about the recent developments and practices in the areas of

  1. Accounting,
  2. Corporate Governance,
  3. Tax
  4. Auditing
  • Accounting,
  • Accounting Information Systems,
  • Accounting Theory and Practice,
  • Auditing
  • Behavioral Accounting,
  • Corporate Finance
  • Cost Accounting,
  • Financial Institutions and Markets,
  • Financial Services,
  • Fiscal Policy,
  • Government and Non-Profit Accounting,
  • International Economics and Trade
  • Finance,
  • Banking,
  • Forensic Accounting
  • Environmental Accounting
  • Management Accounting
  • Social Responsibility Accounting
  • Budgeting Accounting
  • Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
  • Tax Accounting as well as emerging paradigms in allied subjects.



  • The corresponding author submits the manuscript through Jurnal Akuntansi dan Sistem Teknologi Informasi  (JASTI)'s an online system
  • The JASTI Editor Board will identify the quality of the manuscript and the possibility of cases of scientific misconduct including authorship, ownership, and plagiarism.
  • The Editor Board notifies the submissions and informs the authors if the papers are suitable for the journals. Therefore, the manuscript will be sent to one reviewer for reviewing process.
  • All of the contributions of the JASTI are subject to a blind peer review, which means that neither the author(s) nor the reviewer knows the identity of the other.
  • At least a reviewer review every submitted paper. The review process is an online process and contains clear referees' statements concerning the paper's publishing approval or its rejection
  • In case of minor revisions, the article is sent to the author(s) together with a referee's opinions. The authors are asked to respond to the referees' comments and make the appropriate adjustments to the text. Then, the authors send back the corrected version. 
  • The Editorial Board makes the final decision on publication. 



The authors have to ensure to cite and quote appropriately when using the working paper of others. Any form of plagiarism from 'passing off another's paper as the author's paper, to copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of another's paper (without attribution), to claiming results from research conducted by others is unethical publishing behavior and unacceptable. The Maximum tolerance for plagiarism pass 25%. 

Every author who will submit scientific manuscripts must sign a statement of originality of scientific manuscripts (Download)


Manuscripts can be withdrawn if it is proven that they have been published in other journals with more than 60% similarity to manuscripts and are subject to a penalty of 10x article publication fee.


Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Article Publication: 0.00 (IDR)