This Research aims at: (1) finding out and analizing Factors Learning resources that have impact on the understanding of character education of  FKIP Unisri students. (2) finding out the Lecturers  competence through moral value delivery, giving experience which is concret and direct at student, learning Method of the Lecturers in inserting education of  character in course of  study. The subject of this research is  100 FKIP Unisri students in
2013/2014  this research  academic year Confirmatory Research and  Correlational Research. The  Independent Variable, consists  of: (1) Moral lesson of  Study; (2) Lecturer Competency; (3) Method of  while the Study. Dependent Variable is: Education of Character the results show that the Corrected Item-Total Correlation is bigger than r tabel (0,194) for all variable. Therefore the, item can be said Valid. The Result of Reliability indicates that the coefficient of (alpha r) calculate is bigger than the criterion variable which equals to 0,6 all variables are in a state of reliable. Based on  the  result of the equation of  doubled  linear regression, influence direction and significancy value,  hence,  the  result of the  t test are: (1) the  variable of moral lesson has significant on the Understanding of Characte Education r, (2) the Competency of Lecturer has positive effect but  not so significant on Understanding of Education  Character, (3) Method has significant  and positive on  Understanding Of Education  Character,  the Result of test simultaneous (Test F) shows the level of f value is = 25,836 with significancy of 0,000 < 0,05. Is than, concluded Lecturer Competency , Method of Study influence the Understanding Of Education of Character.
The result indicates that Adjusted R Square equals to 0,429 meaning that the Understanding of Education of Character can be explained by material of study, competency of lecturer, and Method of Study equal to 42,92%, the rest is explained by other variable outside this research
Keyword: Learning Source, Â Competency, Education of Character.