The purpose of this research is to improve the efficiency of making biodiesel from used cooking
oil. Used cooking oil has a high fatty acid content that is high enough that when processed into
biodiesel through transesterifikasi will occur blocking the reaction of biodiesel formation. Blocking the
reaction results in doubling methanol demand and the separation of biodiesel becomes difficult due to
the formation of soap so that the resulting yield decreases, so the method is less efficient. The process
of free fatty acid removal through neutralization takes less time. The neutralization process is also
cheaper because it requires only a small amount of NaOH so that the making of biodiesel from cooking
oil through the neutralization-transesterification process is more efficient in terms of time and cost.
To obtain the best transesterification process condition, the effect of temperature variation (30 oC, 40
oC, 50 oC, 60 oC, 70 oC) on yield of biodiesel produced, variation of KOH catalyst concentration
(0.75%, 1%, 1, 25%, 1.5%, 1.75%) on the yield of biodiesel produced and the effect of variation of
methanol-oil molar ratio (6: 1; 7: 1; 8: 1; 9: 1; 10: 1) on biodiesel yield which is produced from used
cooking oil. The results showed at 60 ° C, KOH 1% catalyst concentration and a 6: 1 molar methanoloil
ratio resulted in a maximum biodiesel yield of 87.3%.
Keywords: efficiency, biodiesel, used cooking oil
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