The 2017 Major Election of Salatiga concluded that the number of earned votes for current
Major and Vice-Major Yulianto – Muhammad Haris (Yaris) surpass the earned votes for Agus
Rudianto – Dance Palit Ishak (Rudal). As the incumbent, Yaris were much favored politically.
Strategic incumbent variable is a chance to convince public over their government performance.
The level of public satisfaction over the performance of Major Yulianto could be the main modal to
build personal political variable such as popularity, acceptability and electability.
This Research use survey data that conducted by the researcher while the 2017 Major
Election of Salatiga is on process. The survey data then analyzed using determination approach
with the result of the 2017 Major Election of Salatiga that being held on 15 February 2017. Aspect
of the method used in this survey are using sample frame of Permanent voters list (DPT). The
technique used to get the sample are cuplikan random sampling based on the survey location. The
survey conduected over 96 TLS with 768 reponden. This survey has 3,5% margin error with
significance level of 95%.
Yaris perceived to have good governing performance of 77%. This incumbent win the
election with 50,5% earned votes. At the unit level data analysis, 23 kelurahan indicates the
distribution are varies. Although there is a relation between good governing performance and the
incumbent to be elected, there are many other variable that affect the result.
Key word: local election, Salatiga, incumbent, performance,political personal
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